The UN peacebuilding frameworks removed the goal of sustainable peace from the sidelines and placed it at the center of attention for national governments. Nina Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, ICCN, discusses the challenges of translating a global agenda into national understanding.
UN peacebuilding frameworks changed the main approach to reaching sustainable peace. By defining it as a central goal, there is hope that national governments will understand its importance and invest more to realize it. Nina Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN), however states that national governments define peacebuilding in a different way as they cannot see the peacebuilding component without attaching to the political component. She defines this combination as controversial and one of the main challenges to preventing violence and sustaining peace.
The participation issue
The whole of society must be involved when trying to prevent violent conflicts. Women mediators must be increased, and civil society actors need to be brought in to tackle the most vulnerable issues and understand local needs. These partnership approaches are entirely based on trust and capable of improving the available tools and capacities. The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum offers an opportunity to interconnected actors to make peace processes more visible and receive recognition on a local and international level.