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Moderator: Barbara Unger

Barbara Unger is the Programme Director for Latin America at the Berghof Foundation. Previously, she was the Deputy Director of one of the foundation’s predecessors, Berghof Peace Support. Contributing to conflict transformation through better process design and reflective learning is one of her main interests. Before joining Berghof, Barbara was a freelance advisor and a trainer for peace and conflict, a coordinator of the zivik project 2002-2004, and she previously worked with German Development Cooperation.

Barbara holds a BA and MA equivalent in Political Science, a BA in Latin American Studies from the Free University of Berlin, and a post-graduate certificate with the German Development Institute. In 2014, she completed training as an organisational consultant. She is a long-term activist and a member of Peace Brigades International, a member of the German Platform for Conflict Management, and was a board member of the Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst.