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Moderator: Caroline Kruckow

Caroline Kruckow has been working in development agencies of the protestant churches in Germany since 1992. Currently she is policy advisor for peace and development at Bread for the World, Germany. From 2008 she represented the Protestant Development Service (EED), and since 2012 Bread for the World in the team of the Working Group on Peace & Development (FriEnt) in Bonn.

Her work focuses on the topic of land and resources and linkages to conflict transformation and peacebuilding. For FriEnt, she regularly organises meetings on development, peacebuilding and conflict transformation in the South Caucasus. Before joining the FriEnt network, she was responsible for projects in South-East and East Asia for EZE as well as for global programmes and from 1997 to 2008 she was head of the team for South-East Europe and the South Caucasus for the EED.