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International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS)

International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS)
Insightful Quotes

"The practice of inclusive politics is key to pursuing stability. CSO involvement in these processes must go beyond symbolic participation to achieve sustainable peace."

Insightful Quotes

"The IDPS has the unique capacity to include the voices of civil society, an ambition outlined in its 2019-21 Peace Vision. During this polylateral dialogue, IDPS Co-Chairs and their non-state counterparts reiterated the need for state/non-state collaboration for sustainable peace and development, during and after the pandemic."

Virtual Session 24

Influencing Local Peacebuilding Policies through Polylateral Political Dialogues – The Case of Sierra Leone

In an environment of mistrust between governments and their people, the enhancement of national cohesion as prioritised in the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding 2019-2021 Peace Vision through polylateral cooperation is more crucial than ever.
Focusing on how CSPPS has intensified their efforts in improving state-citizen relations in response to COVID-19 is within the framework of the IDPS, our session inscribes itself in the thematic context of acting collectively.
Main Questions
  • How can polylateral partnerships best be structured according to a new social contract, ensuring an inclusive and resilient local peacebuilding response to COVID-19?
  • How can stakeholders address issues of fragility across the Triple Nexus of humanitarian, development, and peace, for resilient societies worldwide?
  • What is the role of faith actors and leaders in these partnerships in pursuit of peace and stability?
Key Theses, Thoughts and Ideas

This truly polylateral dialogue featured IDPS Co-Chairs Minister Gould and Minister Kai-Kai, Habib Mayar of the g7+ Secretariat, as well as Valnora Edwin, CSPPS Sierra Leone member, and Anne Kristine Raunkiaer-Jensen, Chair of CSPPS.

State and non-state actors elaborated on the impact of COVID-19 on fragile and conflict-affected settings, urging to keep peacebuilding at the forefront of recovery from the pandemic. This naturally led to discussing the necessary inclusion of civil society in the implementation of the SDGs, highlighting the critical role of civil society participation in polylateral partnerships. In order to build back better, governmental authorities and local societies need to advocate together for an inclusive, people-centered, and transparent approach.

Participants from the international community as well as local CSOs detailed opportunities to collaborate, especially in the context of the Triple Nexus of humanitarian, development, and peace for resilient societies.


Anne-Kristine Raunkiær-Jensen

Anne-Kristine Raunkiær-Jensen

Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS)

Fancis Mustapha Kai-Kai

Fancis Mustapha Kai-Kai

Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Sierra Leone, co-Chair of the International Dialogue, and Chair of the g7+ group of fragile states

Habib Ur Rehman Mayar

Habib Ur Rehman Mayar

g7+ Secretariat

Karina Gould

Karina Gould

Minister of International Development, Canada, co-Chair of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding

Valnora Edwin

Valnora Edwin

CSPPS Country Team Sierra Leone and Sierra Leone War Trust for Children


Charlotte de Harder

Charlotte de Harder

Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS)
