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Brot für die Welt

Brot für die Welt

Center for Balkan Cooperation LOJA

Center for Balkan Cooperation LOJA

KURVE Wustrow

KURVE Wustrow

Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management

Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management

YMCA Europe, Armenia

YMCA Europe, Armenia
Insightful Quotes

"Karabakh is in dire need of humanitarian aid and support for young people’s education. It would be great if the EU shows that people of Karabakh are not abandoned."

Insightful Quotes

"The EU must improve its tool box to remain a relevant player in the region. Experiences from West Balkan could serve as models. Also people in Georgia felt not adequately supported and perceived EU in a negative way. New forms of partnership are needed for crisis prevention and reconciliation in the whole region, esp. Karabakh."

Virtual Session 14

Sleeping Giant or Roaring Dwarf? What Role for the EU in It’s Eastern Neighbourhood?

Main Questions

  • What does the younger generation living in Karabakh envisage for their own future and for peace? Why are they disappointed from “the West” and the international community?
  • What can the EU and the German government do to enhance their engagement for building and maintaining peace in their Eastern Neighborhood, especially in the South Caucasus Region? What can the German government contribute especially within the Eastern Partnership?
  • What can be learnt from experiences from the Western Balkans? What were successful frameworks the EU’s and Germany’s engagement that lead to better relationships of states and societies in the region? What could serve as models to deal with the current challenges on the Karabakh conflict?
Key Theses, Thoughts and Ideas

People in Karabakh feel betrayed by the international community. Many lost hope for a peaceful future. Instability and the risk that the conflict may get out of control is high. Fear, frustration, anxiety are dominant feelings on all sides and express themselves in mutual hate. Change of narratives, psycho-social support and end of isolation are necessary. The immediate response to the humanitarian crisis could serve as an entry-point for the EU to rebuild its reputation.

EU and Germany could rebuild trust in democratic values and partnerships if they engage more strongly and visibly in the OSCE-Minsk Group and in the region. Support for reconstruction, humanitarian aid, economic development must be based on clear value based conditions. A particular focus on Youth is essential, as experience from Western Balkan partnerships show. The EU-Eastern Partnership should connect local Civil Society voices with political key actors to detect blind spots in their official agenda.


Anzhelika Zakaryan

Anzhelika Zakaryan

YMCA Europe, Armenia

Bujar Luma

Bujar Luma

Center for Balkan Cooperation LOJA, North Macedonia

Johann Saathoff

Johann Saathoff

Federal Foreign Office, Germany

Stefan Meister

Stefan Meister

Heinrich Boell Foundation, South Caucasus Office


Melanie Bleil

Melanie Bleil

Brot für die Welt, Germany
