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adelphi (Side Event)

adelphi (Side Event)

Peace Paradigms (Side Event)

Peace Paradigms (Side Event)

Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt)

Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt)
Climate changePeacebuilding

Upscaling peace-positive climate action and climate-informed peacebuilding

Lessons learned and ways forward

This 90-minute roundtable discussion aims at encouraging reflection and knowledge exchange on programming and financing peace-positive climate action/climate-informed peacebuilding – with a view to feed into efforts to implement Germany’s Strategy on Climate Foreign Policy in a whole-of-government approach as well as to support the mainstreaming of climate- and conflict-sensitive approaches into other policy dimensions. In order to do so, the discussion will bring together policymakers from different German ministries as well as practitioners and experts from governmental organisations and German-based NGOs, think tanks, and academia working on and implementing integrated climate-peace projects and programmes in various contexts. The discussion will be kick-started by a presentation of current experiences in designing and implementing integrated climate-peacebuilding projects and programmes in the context of the Weathering Risk Initiative in Iraq and Haiti.

Speakers: Dr Beatrice Mosello (adelphi), Alexander Nawrath (GIZ), Ammar Zakri (Peace Paradigms, Iraq)

Registration: invitation only – please contact Nina Schmelzer via email at
