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Speaker: Jule Schultz

Jule Schultz is a political scientist with longstanding experience in reconciliation and approaches to peacebuilding in the MENA Region. She currently manages the GIZ programs Stabilising Livelihoods in Ninewa/ Iraq and Recovery and Rehabilitation Mosul. Both programs aim at a comprehensive approach, combining reconstruction and livelihood programming with measures to foster peaceful co-existence and reconciliation.

Throughout the last decade Mrs. Schultz has dedicated her career to supporting civil society in processes of civil conflict transformation, while continuously building profound management and decision making skills. The latter have proven essential inter alia in establishing and managing the office of the German NGO forumZFD in Lebanon, focusing on crises prevention and community facilitation. Eager to find new challenges and combine her professional thematic expertise with current academic excellence she concurrently pursued an Executive Master in Public Administration at the renowned Hertie School of Governance.