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Speaker: Olla Alsakkaf

Olla Alsakkaf is a 26 years activist from Yemen. She has a bachelor degree in English Literature. She started her social activities at the age of sixteen in 2010. She has been working as project coordinator and act executive director for YWBOD since 2018. Now, she is the program manager of the organization. She works on peacebuilding, gender-based violence, youth leadership, economic empowerment and humanitarian projects. She worked with women and youth form the different governorates around Yemen. She also works as a trainer, a consultant and a researcher.

She is a speaker and has represented the Yemeni youth and women in many local, national and international events and forums. Lastly, she delivered a brief on the YPS agenda to the UN Security Council and presents before the High-level Political Forum of Sustainable Development and delievered another brief on WPS in the side event of IEG. She is a memeber of the Yemeni Youth Pact and the Youth Mediation Support Team.