Past FriEnt Peacebuilding Events

First held in 2014, the FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum has developed into a series of events that discuss opportunities and challenges for peacebuilding. Find out more about the past events and their topics.


Shifting Power in Peace: New Dynamics and Agendas – Reshaping Cooperation for Sustainable Peace and Development

The conference took place on 5 and 6 June 2024.

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Translate - Relate - Act: Forging Partnerships for Sustainable Peace

The very first virtual Peacebuilding Forum combined interactive virtual sessions with high-level panels on the future of partnership and peacebuilding.

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Connect - Reflect - Create: Enhancing Peacebuilding Together

At the FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum 2018 around 230 peacebuilders from German and international civil society organisations and governmental institutions as well as academia gathered for the fourth time in Berlin.

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Moving beyond crisis mode! What's next for the new German guidelines for managing crises and conflicts?

At the third FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum 2017, German actors and experts from government institutions, civil society and academia discussed the future German engagement in the field of civilian crisis prevention, conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

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The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum is a series of events on current and overarching challenges and trends in peacebuilding. With the Peacebuilding Forum, we want to provide future-oriented impulses for the development of peacebuilding and strengthen the visibility and importance of the policy field in its entirety.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden
und Entwicklung (FriEnt)
c/o GIZ

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 36
53113 Bonn

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