David Scheuing

Bund für soziale Verteidigung e.V.

David Scheuing is program coordinator for educational multiplication at "LOVE-Storm: Gemeinsam gegen Hass im Netz". LOVE-Storm is a training and action platform to counter online hate in an effective manner by teaming up people to apply the principles of nonviolent civil courage in the digital sphere. LOVE-Storm actions support the attacked, mobilise the "onlookers" and set clear boundaries of discourse for the attackers. David mainly works on making the LOVE-Storm platform accessible for teachers, trainers and other educators around the country. He works with the Bund für soziale Verteidigung e.V. since October 2017 when he finished his MA in Peace and Conflict Studies in Marburg/Lahn. In his spare time he is and has been working as a pacifist in a range of national and international organisations and has written on everyday militarisation.

David Scheuing is program coordinator for educational multiplication at "LOVE-Storm: Gemeinsam gegen Hass im Netz". LOVE-Storm is a training and action platform to counter online hate in an effective manner by teaming up people to apply the principles of nonviolent civil courage in the digital sphere. LOVE-Storm actions support the attacked, mobilise the "onlookers" and set clear boundaries of discourse for the attackers. David mainly works on making the LOVE-Storm platform accessible for teachers, trainers and other educators around the country. He works with the Bund für soziale Verteidigung e.V. since October 2017 when he finished his MA in Peace and Conflict Studies in Marburg/Lahn. In his spare time he is and has been working as a pacifist in a range of national and international organisations and has written on everyday militarisation.

The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum is a series of events on current and overarching challenges and trends in peacebuilding. With the Peacebuilding Forum, we want to provide future-oriented impulses for the development of peacebuilding and strengthen the visibility and importance of the policy field in its entirety.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden
und Entwicklung (FriEnt)
c/o GIZ

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 36
53113 Bonn

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