Dr Paul-Simon Handy

Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa)

Dr Paul-Simon Handy is the Institute for Security Studies' Regional Director for East Africa and Representative to the African Union. He has extensive experience in policy analysis, strategy development, and conflict prevention. Paul-Simon Handy studied Political Science and International Relations at the universities of Yaoundé, Berlin, and Leipzig where he obtained his PhD. He is visiting professor at Rhodes University in Grahamstown (South Africa) and has previously held teaching positions at the Free University of Berlin before joining the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik – SWP (German Institute for International and Security Affairs) in Berlin as Associate Fellow. He has widely published on issues related to the African security architecture, Africa's position in global governance and state fragility. He serves on the Editorial Board of the African Security Review.

Dr Paul-Simon Handy is the Institute for Security Studies' Regional Director for East Africa and Representative to the African Union. He has extensive experience in policy analysis, strategy development, and conflict prevention. Paul-Simon Handy studied Political Science and International Relations at the universities of Yaoundé, Berlin, and Leipzig where he obtained his PhD. He is visiting professor at Rhodes University in Grahamstown (South Africa) and has previously held teaching positions at the Free University of Berlin before joining the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik – SWP (German Institute for International and Security Affairs) in Berlin as Associate Fellow. He has widely published on issues related to the African security architecture, Africa's position in global governance and state fragility. He serves on the Editorial Board of the African Security Review.

The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum is a series of events on current and overarching challenges and trends in peacebuilding. With the Peacebuilding Forum, we want to provide future-oriented impulses for the development of peacebuilding and strengthen the visibility and importance of the policy field in its entirety.


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